Consider this publication your gateaway to the future of global citizenship. Promised.

The world is rapidly changing. In the next 20 years, traditional citizenship will transform. The next industry to be disrupted will be governments. Digital assets will take precedence over physical ones, and new forms of governance will emerge.

Imagine yourself as an ultra citizen in a world teeming with opportunities and innovations.

We are committed to staying at the forefront of these changes, and we invite you to join us.

On a mission to design the future of global citizenship.

Explore fresh ideas, stats, data, practical advice, and real stories from individuals who are shaping the future of global citizenship. Discover proven tips and systems to go beyond technology as a founder and embrace the future of citizenship. From technology to finance, passing through new ways of living freely, we bring you honest insights and deep dives directly from those at the forefront. Go borderless.

Yes, this is me at my desk, doing daily instead of in 80 days the trip around the world!

The mindset shift you will get through this publication will help you:

Stay on top of the narrative

Receive curated insights on cutting-edge technologies and digital governance, directly from the visionaries reshaping these realms.

Receive unfiltered opinions

Enhance both your personal and professional life.

Drive Change

Highlight transformative trends and the visionary entrepreneurs behind them. Empower yourself to lead or contribute to ventures that have a global influence.

Grow faster

Sharpen your skills in critical analysis, adaptability, and decision-making to effectively manage the complexities of the modern world.

Feel part of a larger network

Engage with a vibrant community of peers and leaders who share your vision and ambitions.

A couple of promises from me, Ale (pronounced Ah-leh):

- I will answer any comment.

- I will be radically transparent.

- I will implement feedback at the speed of light.

This is my first time fully committing to publishing with consistency online.

Please let me know what you like and what you don’t.

I am committed to making this community the coolest place on the Internet by May 1st, 2025, for like-minded people interested in the future of citizenship and for all the freedom lovers out there.

About me

In short

I am a founder and lifelong learner. I am building Unbound, which I will proudly present in June (yes, it's in "stealth" mode for now). I am also contributing to as strategic advisor at Draper Nation with Tim Draper, an extraordinary new project creating the next Singapore or Dubai online, initially through an Internet Sovereign Wealth Fund. I will have the chance to talk more about both here in this publication. What else? I am Italian and a global citizen, have lived abroad, done a few interesting things, love my dog, and am currently enjoying the amazing Portuguese life. Possibilist, optimist, and contrarian. I love open source. I believe in decentralization and what I define as the “sovereignty industry” will generate a few high-impact and growth companies and protocols in the future, generating a wider impact than more deep-tech companies on humanity. I play tennis and learn to sing opera, not necessarily in that precise order. Espresso, short. 👋


I walked away from a promising legal career to pioneer innovations with the intent to make a tangible impact. My journey began with local business ventures, one of which I sold. I dove into startups and then cryptocurrencies as early as 2017, founding one of the initial projects in the "governance" area of crypto before it was even labeled as such. I advised many fellow founders and projects, a few institutions, and one government. I am building some unique startups and I believe the next five years most of my work from the last 10 will bear its fruits.

But, hold on, let's start from the beginning. And let's start with the failures and setbacks—a strange place to highlight in a bio, but where the most valuable lessons are learned. My first startup crashed due to a wrong hire who turned out to be a criminal, a very tragic experience (thankfully, since then I have built some of the best teams in the space). Jur, the project that made some extraordinary innovations and achievements, became decentralized prematurely due to ecosystem positioning—a missed opportunity to capitalize on years of hard effort and potential for generating high impact. I learned so much and I am so focused on applying those learnings to what comes next. I faced failures and victories. I failed a lot, I won occasionally. I will keep learning from both.

I was born and raised in Rome. I had a big love for Latin, Greek, and computers in my adolescence - yes, in the end they are a bit connected. At 22, I graduated in law, thinking of law as a way to "program human actions on a scale." I had to change my idea. I was quite obsessed with that, and they say I did very well. I made a few records. I graduated one year early, by special request, with honors and a special mention. Soon after, at 25 years and 3 months, I was qualified as a lawyer—possibly the youngest in Italy that year. I could continue for a while along these lines. I won a scholarship for a Ph.D., did it, etc. At 22, I was teaching people older than me to become judges. All of this at the public university of Rome, La Sapienza - not precisely an environment where it's easy to perform. But I am not here to brag. I'll stop here the list. What I am proud of was the resilience and capacity to adapt to new systems.

I started some involvements in small businesses—to learn, one of which sold. I learned a lot. Not coming from an entrepreneurial family, I learned by mistake (lots of) by doing. I discovered blockchain in 2017 and I immediately saw how on-chain would become the new online.

I left Italy. I've lived in Switzerland, India, the United Arab Emirates, and Portugal. Due to the projects I'm involved in, I've traveled extensively, eventually meeting my love in Portugal, where I now live.

Some highlights and successes: During the bear market of 2019, Jur managed a successful IEO, achieving a 500% oversubscription and closing it within minutes, starting with a market cap of $20M. We developed an arbitration platform compatible across 168 jurisdictions, ready to be enabled by an on-chain infrastructure.

I negotiated and closed deals with more than 15 private and institutional investors, including globally renowned ones.

I had the amazing opportunity to work, learn, and grow alongside tier-1 founders, operators, and investors.

Over the years, I built a vast network of esteemed friends with whom I am proud to build, exchange feedback, and move forward together. One person who made a difference in my life was Tim Draper, whom I met, got funded by, and received advice from. All of this started with a simple email and quite a lot of perseverance.

I've held many institutional roles since my youth. More recently, I had the chance to advise Oxford University in the Deep Tech Dispute Resolution Lab, helping design new dispute resolution models for the UK. One of these models was presented after winning the public procurement for LawTechUK. We proposed a national platform for resolving small and medium disputes. I co-founded the LawTech Advisory Council at the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC). As a Scientific Committee Member of San Marino Innovation, I assisted in creating the new blockchain legislation in San Marino (the smallest republic in the world).

Over time, I have invested in several Web3 projects. I have advised, assisted, and reviewed the models and strategies of more than 20 startups and projects over the past five years.

Today, as of April 2024, close to my birthday, I begin this Substack publication.

Since this is new to me, writing online, it would be very helpful if you could share your feedback with me—what you like and what you don't like about this publication, and how I can improve it! I will be very happy to hear from you. Just send me a message via Twitter/X or Farcaster.

Life is too short not to build incredibly beautiful adventures and projects—and not to start meals with desserts first.

If you've read this far, there's no way you won't subscribe!

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